Article 1: Applicability

1.1 These general ticket conditions apply to every contract within the framework of the visit to an event (musical performances, concerts, performances, etc.) (hereinafter: "Event(s)") organized by WEAREONE.WORLD BV with its registered office at Korte Vlierstraat 6, 2000 Antwerp and registered with the KBO with number 0867.239.782 (hereinafter: "WAOW") and the purchase of all admission tickets for Events between the visitor to the Event (hereinafter: the "Visitor") and WAOW, regardless of how it is established. By purchasing and/or using a ticket and/or entering the Event venue (including any outdoor areas, parking lots, etc. belonging to the venue) (hereinafter collectively, the "Venue"), the Visitor agrees to the contents of these General Ticket Terms and Conditions.

1.2 The Event or Venue may have its own terms and conditions or house rules, which apply in addition to these general ticket terms and conditions and can be found on WAOW's website(s) and/or at the Venue. By purchasing the ticket, the Visitor also agrees in advance to any such house rules and general terms and conditions.

1.3 Venue also includes an online environment for attending online live streaming Events.

1.4 WAOW reserves the right to amend and/or update these general ticket conditions from time to time. Such changes will be announced on the Event website and/or by email to the email address provided by the Visitor.

1.5 The invalidity of any provision of these general ticket conditions shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.

1.6 These general ticket conditions do not in any way affect any mandatory legislation applicable to the Visitor who is a consumer within the meaning of Article I,1, 2° of the Code of Economic Law, being: "any natural person acting for purposes outside his trade, business, craft or profession".

Article 2:  Purchasingtickets

2.1 The agreement between WAOW and Visitor for the purchase of tickets shall come into effect after an order for one or more tickets has been placed with (a (pre)sales address approved by) WAOW.

2.2 Unless otherwise expressly agreed, the order placed bythe Visitor is irrevocable and the Visitor may not amend the agreement afterthat point, except with the prior written consent of WAOW.

2.3 WAOW reserves the right to refuse orders at any time.WAOWreserves the right to refuse orders at any time.

2.4 All information relating to the Event and/or tickets is displayed or provided as accurately as possible. Due to additional costs for e.g. reservation, payment and/or shipping the prices for tickets may be higher than the prices printed on the tickets by WAOW. WAOW accepts no liability for any inaccuracies or omissions in the information provided as referred to above.

2.5 WAOW reserves the right to place a limit on the number of tickets a Visitor may purchase.

2.6 Tickets cannot be exchanged and/or refunded. In accordance with Article VI.53, 12° of the Code of Economic Law, the Visitor does not have a right of withdrawal.

Artikel 3: Tickets and Admission

3.1 The Visitor must have a valid ticket and valid ID when entering the Venue.

3.2 A ticket is issued once to the Visitor and provides only the holder of the ticket with (one-time) access to the Event and the Venue, in accordance with the conditions and/or instructions of WAOW and/or the Venue stated thereon.

3.3 SeeTickets is the exclusive ticketing partner engaged by WAOW. Tickets are only available through the Paylogic ticket shop. Only tickets purchased through Paylogic by the Visitor in accordance with the terms and conditions attached by any third party, are valid and will grant access to the Event.

3.4 Tickets will be sent to the Visitor prior to the start of the Event at the email address provided by the Visitor, provided that the Visitor has paid the full price of the tickets. Upon receipt of the tickets, they must be checked for accuracy by the Visitor. If the tickets purchased have not been received on time by the relevant Visitor, or if any defects or errors are found in the tickets, the Visitor must report this to WAOW immediately and in writing (by letter or via the Paylogic contact form).

3.5 The tickets are and remain the property of WAOW. From the moment the ticket was made available to the Visitor, the risk of loss, theft, damage or misuse thereof rests with the Visitor. WAOW accepts no liability whatsoever for loss of or damage to tickets due to any cause whatsoever. In the event WAOW is requested by the Visitor to provide replacement tickets, WAOW shall be entitled to refuse to do so or to charge reasonable costs for doing so.

3.6 The Visitor is not permitted to (re)sell, offer and/or provide the tickets to third parties for commercial purposes.

Article 4: Liability

4.1 Visitors enter the Venue and attend the Event at their own risk. Except as otherwise required by mandatory law, WAOW shall not be liable for any damage, from any cause whatsoever, to property (including loss and/or theft) or persons caused by or in connection with participation in an Event.  

4.2 To the extent WAOW is liable for any damages, such liability shall be limited to direct damages, expressly excluding indirect damages (such as but not limited to: economic loss, loss of opportunity, loss of goodwill, loss of income, loss of time, loss of sales, etc.), up to the amount actually covered by its insurance.

4.3 The Visitor acknowledges and accepts that: (i) loud music may be played during the Event and hearing protection is recommended; and (ii) despite all reasonable hygiene measures taken by WAOW and the Venue, possible viral contamination cannot be ruled out.

Artikel 5: Cancellation or Relocation Event

5.1 WAOW reserves the right to reschedule or cancel the Event to another date or location.

5.2 Upon cancellation of the Event (to the extent the Event is not postponed to a later date and/or alternative location), WAOW will refund to the Visitor the price as stated on the ticket, to the extent paid by the Visitor. Reimbursement will only take place in the manner indicated by WAOW. Other (consequential) damages, direct or indirect, or costs will not be reimbursed by WAOW. Nor can the Visitor claim (replacement) admission to another Event.

5.3 If the Event is rescheduled by WAOW to another date, the ticket will remain valid for the new date on which the Event will take place. Unless otherwise expressly provided for a specific Event, if an Event is brought forward or postponed, the Visitor will be offered seats/tickets for the brought forward/delayed Event (subject to availability) for a value equivalent to the price of the original tickets. If the Visitor is unable to attend the alternative Event offered, the Visitor may, upon presentation of the necessary supporting documents, request WAOW to proceed with a refund of the price of the tickets, excluding any shipping and transaction fees. WAOW must be informed within the period of time it stipulates in case the Visitor cannot attend the reprogrammed Event, failing which WAOW will confirm the tickets for the new date and the Visitor will lose his right to any refund. Any refund of tickets will only be made in the manner indicated by WAOW. Other (consequential) damages, direct or indirect, or expenses will not be reimbursed by WAOW under any circumstances.

Article 6: House Rules
6.1 Visitors must comply with the house rules of the Venue and the reasonable regulations and instructions of WAOW, its employees and competent authorities. If WAOW reasonably considers this necessary to maintain peace and order during the Event, in any case if public order or safety is threatened during the Event, it shall be entitled to deny the Visitor (further) access to the Event and/or remove him/her from the Venue.

6.2 Upon entering the Venue, the Visitor may be searched. A Visitor who refuses to be searched may be denied admission to the Event.

6.3 The recording of the Event (including but not limited to: professional photographing, filming and the making of sound and/or visual recordings for commercial purposes) by the Visitor without WAOW's express prior written consent, is prohibited, as is the reproduction of and/or copying from the program (booklet), posters and other printed materials.

6.4 The following items are not allowed on the Venue: food you have brought with you, glassware, plastic bottles (0.5 liter bottles without cap are allowed), water bottles, cans, drink cans (in any form, including drink backpacks), pets, (folding) chairs, stools, inflatable objects, umbrellas and parasols, selfie sticks, drugs and other narcotics, fireworks, (fire) weapons, dangerous objects and professional photographic, film and other recording equipment. Whether professional equipment is involved will be judged solely by WAOW. WAOW will confiscate (or have confiscated) unauthorized items at the entrance. If the Visitor refuses to surrender a relevant item, WAOW may deny that person entry to the Event, without any right to compensation or reimbursement for the Visitor. If WAOW takes custody of such items for the duration of the Event, it accepts no liability for them. After the Event, the Visitor may pick up their belongings at the designated location. Illegal items or substances will be handed over to the police.

6.5 Smoking is not permitted at the Venue, except in any designated smoking areas.

6.6 Any fines imposed on WAOW as a result of any violation by the Visitor of this Article and/or the terms and conditions of the Venue shall be recovered in full from the Visitor.

6.7  Unless expressly mentioned otherwise on the (sales) websiteof the Event, visitors must be at least 16 years old to receive access to the Event. WAOW reserves the right to conduct identity and age verifications in thecontext of enforcement of the applicable (house) rules and applicable legislation (including, without limitation, regarding the use of alcohol).

Article 7: Privacy and personal data

7.1 WAOW processes the Visitor's personal data in accordance with applicable privacy and data protection regulations, in particular Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation). More information on how WAOW processes personal data can be found by clicking on this hyperlink: Privacy Policy.

7.2 Image and/or audio recordings may be made of the Event and Visitors and such recordings will be disclosed or reproduced, without WAOW or third parties being liable to pay compensation to the Visitor. In addition, audio, and/or audiovisual recordings may be made by selected media partners for purposes of concert registration and/or promotion of the Event.

7.3 In order to ensure the safety of the Visitor and the security of persons, buildings and premises, camera surveillance may take place with visible security cameras.

7.4 The visitor acknowledges and accepts that WAOW may take pictures and/or make recordings during the event, either targeted or non-targeted and use these for publicity purposes (including but not limited thereto, on the website, brochures, social media, etc..).

Article 8: Final Provisions

8.1 These general ticket conditions and any disputes relating to them shall be governed exclusively by Belgian law.  

8.2 In case of disputes between the Visitor and WAOW relating to these general ticket conditions, the courts of the judicial district of Antwerp, Antwerp section, shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

Artikel 9 1  Cashless

1.1 unless expressly mentioned otherwise, at the event, cashless payment will be used as the sole payment method. WAOW reserves the right to allow other payment methods such as cash payments and/or payments via other electronic devices, at its sole discretion.

1.2  WAOW cannot be held liable if the cashless paymentsystem does not work, does not work without defects or works only partiallyduring the Event. In such event, WAOW will provide for a back-up system, forexample by providing payment coins.

1.3  Cashless payment systems are governed by separateterms and conditions, which shall be communicated and must, in order to be ableto use the system, be accepted by the Visitor, ultimately at the time of firsttop-up for the Event.

Artikel 9  IntellectualProperty Rights

1  IntellectualProperty Rights

1.1 WAOW reserves all intellectual property rights

1.2  The purchase of tickets to an Event does not includeany license or right of use to any of the intellectual property owned by WAOWor any of its partners and/or licensees.

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